2 Hour Interior Design Consultation - Initial Assessment


2 Hour Interior Design Consultation - Initial Assessment


In this initial design consultation we will meet with you on-site to assess the scope of your project, understand and clarify your goals, and give you ideas that you can implement immediately. Included:

  • Project Questionnaire to help you express your goals for the project.
  • Optional Lifestyle Renovation Questionnaire to help you define what you truly want, which can shape our work together and help us design a space that is optimally supportive of who you are and what you do.
  • Two hour consultation at your location (or at our studio if you are building and have no access to your site.)
  • A follow up summary of our time together including your next steps and/or a proposal for design services based on the scope of your project. 

You will find our time together to be informative, valuable, and enjoyable. I love what I do and I insist on enjoying the process. I'm certain you will, too!

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